Santa & Mrs. Claus Appearances

Personal Visits

Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive at your location to visit with guests, hand out gifts (you provide), sit for photos. Be sure to ask about special requests. Gifts can be for children, adults or employees such as bonus checks. Both Santa and Mrs. Claus have background checks done every year and are fully insured.

Private Party's, Birthdays, Engagements, Anniversaries, Home Visits.

Breakfast with Santa, Pajama Parties, Story Telling and Sing-alongs

Community Events, Parades, Tree Lightings, Ribbon Cuttings. Let us know what your needs are and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Corporate Parties, Military Functions, Day Cares, Special Needs Centers.

Church Events, Schools, Children's Homes, Adult Living Centers, Nursing Homes

Be sure to relate any special request or safety issues that need to be taken.

All prices are determined by length of visit and travel distance. Some events may qualify for  discounts or even a free visit. 

Safety First

During photo shoots all children will need to be placed on Santa's knee by the parent. We want all to be safe and have the best time ever. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!

Get In Touch

Send A Letter To The North Pole

Our elves will be patiently waiting for your message!